A Father took his son to village to show what poverty is all about. After the trip, he asked his son about poverty...
The son replied :
We have 1 dog, they had 4...
We have a small pool, they have a long river...
We've lamps, they've stars...
We've small piece of land, they've large fields...
We buy food, they grow theirs & eat fresh...
They have friends to play, we don't have friends, we have to play with Computers & PS...
Their fathers have time for their children & our father don't have...
They have happiness, we have only money...
The boy's dad was speechless, boy still continued:
''thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are..."
Life is all about how we see, interpret & accept things..!
- Not an original writer of this incident/story. Received this story on Whatsapp