Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Conversation

She: I am not sure if I am ready yet.
He: Neither do I, but then this seems the correct step. 

She: What if its not correct?
He: Together, we will work to make it correct.

- #ForegettableMemories

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The One You Cannot Have

This love, it is a funny thing. It can elevate you to the highest peak and plunge you to a bottomless pit.  The path we plan for ourselves meanders in ways we can never imagine. Life never ceases to throw us googlies. It is how we handle them that makes all the difference. Sometimes you have to take control of it and, at other times, it is best to let go. And the wisest of persons is the one who knows which option to choose.

 - Sanjeev Advani, in Preeti Shenoy's 'The One You Cannot Have'

Friday, September 8, 2017

The One You Cannot Have

No matter how much you try, no matter how much you want to love somebody else, no matter how much you convince yourself that you have moved on, deep down you know the truth. If you are deliriously happy when you think about someone and a smile creeps up on you, even when you are in the worst of moods, if even a mere thought your weary body, then it is nothing by love. You can try to squish it, pretend that it does not exist, ignore it, try to make it go away, but it never entirely does. 

It always finds a way back.

 - Shruti, in Preeti Shenoy's 'The One You Cannot Have' 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wisdom of Day !!!

Don't be awake for so long that you forget how to dream...!!!

- Anonymous

Friday, May 6, 2016

A Conversation from ForgettableMemories

She: I miss you
He: You said, you couldn't accept my love
She: but surely, can't I miss you as a friend?

He: I don't live in a world with identity crisis, love & friendship cannot exist together unless they reciprocate.
She: But, that's selfish
He: & a healthy too
She: You're hurting me & my honest friendship
He: Nope, I am just ensuring that the fragility of friendship and purity of love is preserved.

- a conversation from #ForgettableMemories
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